Python Bootcamp (Spring, Summer 2022)

Course Information

  • Content: The Center for Computational Biology offers a 5-day “ Introduction to Programming for Bioinformatics” bootcamp. The goals of this course are to introduce students to Python, a simple and powerful programming language that is used for many applications, and to expose them to the practical bioinformatic utility of Python and programming in general. Specific topics include control flow, logic, data structures, data visualization and manipulations.
Yutong Wang (王雨桐)
Yutong Wang (王雨桐)
Postdoctoral Researcher

I am a postdoctoral scholar with Dr. Jimmie Ye at University of California, San Francisco. I recently completed my PhD in Biostatistics at University of California, Berkeley, working with Dr. Yun S. Song. My research is primarily driven by developing and applying machine learning and statistical methods to understand biology. Recently, I am studying how genes interact with each other in the multi-cellular organisms.